Art cards


Just a heads up that the deadline to order our beautiful hand-painted cards has been extended to this Friday, November 27. They make a lovely holiday card and support our school arts programs!

Art Cards and bags needed


You will find a sample of an art card your child made at school in their pochette today. These cards serve as a fundraiser for our school. When you open up the sample card you will see instructions for how to order cards.

If you see REMOVE beside your child’s name when ordering it is because you didn’t give permission for your child’s name to appear on the card. 

Also, if your child has the note “sac pour le vestiaire” in their agenda, please send a bag with handles to hang on their hook, heavy plastic or reusable would be best. We’re just finding a lot of clutter in our tiny space and we’re hoping that this will help to organize the things that we leave at school. Merci beaucoup!

Enjoy the extra day tomorrow 🙂

Le Jour du Souvenir


Our Remembrance Day ceremony will of course be different this year as we cannot hold assemblies. There will be a synchronous whole-school portion as well as an individual class portion to the ceremony on Tuesday. We will have poppies for the students and would appreciate any loonies or twoonies that you would be willing to donate. Thanks in advance.

Reminder that there is no school on Wednesday, November 11.

Bonne fin de semaine!