Pumpkin parade and winter weather


Here is a lovely video of the Pumpkin Parade that Ms. Maddern shared. There were over 130 participants this year!!


Just a reminder with this rainy weather that we need boots and raincoats at school as we still head outside in light to moderate rain. It really helps to have indoor shoes as well so that we are not dragging all of that water and mud onto our carpet. Merci beaucoup!

Field trip, Halloween and dictée

Thank you so much to our parent volunteers for braving the elements with us on Wednesday. It was wonderful to see the kids working together, encouraging each other and having fun  🙂

On top of all of that, they had never received so many donations to the food bank from a group and wanted to thank us for our generosity by waiving the fee! As the office has already processed our money, we will put it towards our next field trip…more details on that in a couple of weeks!

There is also a reminder in the agenda that we are having our first Spirit Day on Monday. We are wearing orange and black for Halloween!

Here’s next week’s dictée, we will be looking at the sound au/eau.

  1. jaune
  2. l’eau
  3. il saute
  4. autour
  5.  un autre
  6.  beaucoup
  7. le tableau
  8. mon manteau
  9. Il fait beau et il fait chaud.

Bonne fin de semaine!

Field trip reminders


We are almost ready for our field trip this Wednesday, just a few final details to keep in mind:

  1. Be sure to dress for the weather. It is VERY muddy out there and likely to rain so rain coats, rain pants and rubber boots are a must.
  2. Please have your child bring their booster seat with them to school.
  3. Please send a food donation for the food bank with your child tomorrow or Wednesday. This was a condition of the reduced price and will connect to part of the presentation.
  4. We will meet as usual in the morning, come up to the classroom to take attendance and organize into our groups before heading out. It is pizza/sushi day so we will return to the school for lunch.

Thank you all for helping to make this trip possible!

Field trip update, Grade 1 – Home reading, Grade 2 – Dictée


We now have enough drivers to make our field trip a go! Merci beaucoup les parents! I still need 2 more permission slips and 7 more payments, please get those in to me as soon as you can. The rest of the final details are just being worked out so watch for Monday’s post.

Our grade ones are making wonderful progress and are now starting to transition into home reading! Mme Frketich is doing this gradually so not all students will be starting at the same time. Keep an eye out in your child’s pochette for the note explaining the expectations and please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.

As promised, here is next week’s dictée, which focuses on the sound ‘ou’:

  1. douze
  2. le cou
  3. un loup
  4. j’écoute
  5. la bouche
  6. les coudes
  7. c’est doux
  8. les genoux
  9. Je joue dans la cour.

I hope you all lave a lovely long weekend!

Field trip, pumpkin parade and more

Hello families,

Thanks so much for getting those field trip permission forms in to me. I am still waiting on 5 more. A reminder also that the fee is $3 plus a donation to the food bank that your child can bring on the 26th.

I have almost enough seats now, I really appreciate those who have changed plans to help us out. The permission form indicates “with car seats”, please note that this simply means space for car seats. Each student will need to bring their own car seat with them on the day of the trip.

Here is the poster for the pumpkin parade, which will be held in the library next week.


Finally, I have some grade one song sheets that didn’t quite make it into someone’s duo-tang. If your child is in grade one and didn’t recently bring home 2 song sheets send me a note in their agenda.

Merci 🙂

Dictée #4 – g doux, g dur – Grade 2 only


Here is this week’s list focusing on the two ‘g’ sounds. G sounds hard when placed before an ‘a’, ‘o’ or ‘u’. It sounds soft before ‘e’, ‘i’ and ‘y’.

  1. gris
  2. rouge
  3. grand
  4. orange
  5. la neige
  6. un nuage
  7. du gâteau
  8. le gymnase
  9. Le gorille est gros.

I have shortened the dictée in response to feedback that it is taking quite a bit of time and effort in the evening for some families. I will also start sending the list home on Friday so that those who require a little extra practice can use that time, though I do not want to add any pressure to do homework on the weekend.

Additionally, we continue to reinforce the goals of the dictée with our activities in class. We are working to notice the letters and the sounds they make, we are looking for patterns, and similarities and differences. Activities where students circle the sound(s), write the words in two different groups according to the sounds (or other rule), read the words aloud, write sentences, draw pictures, all help help to show their understanding of phonics and comprehension of the words. Feel free to try any of these when practicing at home as well!

Further, we have been talking about building resilience and that making mistakes is all a part of learning. It is even okay to feel a little bit anxious or nervous about dictée, that it helps motivate us to do our best, which is the main thing!

Merci beaucoup for all of your support at home.

Mme Barber


Field trip and dictée


I hope that you all enjoyed a lovely Thanksgiving weekend!

We are two weeks away from our first field trip, a wonderful opportunity to gather with our other grade one and two classes to participate in team building and cooperative learning!

At this point, we have only one volunteer driver, who can take 3 kids. I still need 21 more seats so please do let me know if you can drive even just your own child. I am attaching the permission slip, just in case: corn-maze-permission-slip

This week’s dictée focuses on the two ‘c’ sounds. A ‘c’ before ‘a’, ‘o’, ‘u’ sounds like ‘k’; before ‘e’, ‘i’, ‘y’ or with a cédille (ç) sounds like ‘s’. Here’s the list:

  1. merci
  2. l’école
  3. cinq
  4. un cube
  5.  mon pouce
  6.  la colle
  7.  le français
  8.  je cours
  9.  c‘est facile
  10.  le calendrier
  11. Le garçon cache sa crème glacée.

Thanks and have a great week!

Scholastic, Bricolage et Dictée

Bonjour à tous,

Scholastic: Today I have sent home this year’s first Scholastic flyers. They unfortunately didn’t include the French one for this month but you can find it here if you are interested.


I have told the students that it is entirely up to you whether to order books or not, I do appreciate your orders though as we get bonus dollars that I can use towards free classroom resources! If you choose to order books, please make cheques payable to Scholastic Canada Ltd. (no cash please) or even better, sign up for online payment here: http://www.scholastic.ca/clubs/parentpay/

Then send the order back in your child’s folder by this Friday, October 7. If you wish to keep the order a secret (great gift idea!) you can bring it in to me directly.

Bricolage: We are finding that our craft centre is very popular, if you are able to collect any interesting objects that may be used in the craft centre (bits of ribbon, paper, paper rolls, beads, or anything else you can think of) or donate any craft supplies, they would be greatly appreciated and put to good use!

Finally, here is this week’s grade 2 dictée (p, q):

  1. quatre
  2. la pluie
  3. qui
  4.  un lapin
  5.  quarante
  6. du papier
  7. une queue
  8. je peux
  9. j’ai peur
  10. une question
  11. Qu’est-ce que c’est?

Have a great week!